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The present Albert Street Church building was opened in 1889, but the history of its people goes back to when the first Methodist congregation met in Brisbane in 1847. This church was regarded as the mother of Queensland Methodism and has been the scene of many historic events. Among these were state and national conferences of the Methodist church, and the ordination of its Ministers.


Queensland’s first Methodist Minister was Rev William Moore. In 1847, before any hymns were sung or sermons delivered, his first official duty in Brisbane was to conduct a funeral service for a prostitute who had died penniless and had no one to mourn her. This act of mercy and grace towards the marginalised became a defining characteristic of the Christian community that would later come to call Albert Street Church their home.


At this current location in Albert Street, in 1907, the Central Methodist Mission was approved by the Methodist Conference as  this worshipping congregation sought to meet the growing needs of the Brisbane CBD. Community services, such as the Sisters of the People, were developed to help the poor and the hungry and the marginalized. Meals were provided for local newspaper boys, many of whom were homeless, and a savings plan was put in place with local banks to provide a means for them to escape the cycle of poverty. 


During the great Depression, the mission provided meals and support for the unemployed and the homeless, and the reach of the Mission began to move into the suburbs. In 1936, Queensland's first residential aged care facility was established by the Mission at our site in Chermside. At the time it was considered a bold experiment, but the Mission has always been willing to try new things and develop new ideas, in order to help those in most need.   


 In 1977, Albert Street joined with other Methodist churches, the Congregational Union in Australia, and Presbyterian churches to form the Uniting Church in Australia. The work of the Mission continued to mature and grow and serve the wider community by sharing the Good News of God’s love for the world, and is now called Wesley Mission Queensland. 


The diversity of services provided by Wesley Mission Queensland today range from retirement living, residential aged care, and  supported accommodation for people with disabilities to community care services such as youth services,, mental health services, allied health professional services, in-home care, dementia care, Auslan interpreters, hospice and end of life care. HummingBird House is Queensland's only service for families with children who have life-limiting conditions. In Brisbane city – our local neighbourhood – Wesley Mission Queensland has an Emergency Relief service and a community meal service for people doing it tough. Art From the Margins is helping marginalized people develop their artistic gifts and skills and is providing assistance and resourcing to exhibit their work. Wesley Mission Queensland now has more than 70 different service locations over South East Queensland and employs over 3000 staff. Each year more than 20 000 families find support and care through the services we provide. 


The 24th of April 2021 was the centenary of the unveiling of this Honour Roll in the Albert Street Uniting Church in Brisbane. The background to this memorial is related below and a brief biography is presented of some of the people whose names are listed.



We are posting this material to memorialise the people listed on the Roll, not to glorify war. Below are biographies of some of the people on the Honour Roll. A full list of all names on the Honour Roll can be found at the bottom of this page.


If you have any further information about any of the people whose biographies are below, or others on the Honour Roll, please contact the Church office:

Honour Roll Names

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."  Revelation 21:4

Left Panel

Abell N E Aberdeen M C Adams PF Allman H W Anderson A W Anderson E L Anderson M Andrews A Andrews H Angle A J Attridge F Axelsen E Axelsen Ida   * Baldwin E Barlow P Beech H J Beech R H Beech T Beech W E Bell J Bennett H I Bennett R J Blackburn B Blackburn H Blunt T R Blunt W H Bolt B E Bolton F P Borgenson W Bowering C H Bradfield V R Brooks J E Campbell H M Cannon A Chapman J Chenery C Clark E Clark S Clifford J Coates H H Collin W A Coomber H S Cotterill S R Cottle S B Crispin W T C   * Curnow T A Davis A O C Dean H J Denny R J   * Devers R L Doig G M Dowd W   * Elmes S H Evans L J Farmer R Faulkner H Fennell G Francis G T Franklin H L Fraser G T Grayson N S Green H C Hardy J Hoey C Hoskin O V Houldsworth H Houston W R Howes J F Ives G Jackson GE James J D  * Jenkins J V Johnson C B Johnson R Keeping A Kelly G S Kelly J M Kerlin H Kerr H N King F L   * Knowles H N    * Lang J Lavers P Lawson G Lee A H A Lee H

Centre Panel

Alexander A Andrews E Arthur W Barlow S N    * Bremner F    * Bremner G A F Browne H G Carr J E Carter A B Cawe E S Chapple W Chapman W J Collin L N      * Cooling W H Cunningham J Daniels W J Davidson W H Davies G F Dodd A S      * Douglas W C Evans J O Fisher J W   * Forbes W J Foster J O E Gartrell W H Groom F G Hannah N H Hardacre G W Harwood J W Hodesdon C H Hoskin F W   * Howes J C Hughes H Jackson G Johnson I V Jolly P P Kelson H J Kirk J H Lanham W Maynard G Mole J J Nelson A W Nicholls R   * Osborne J S Owens J Wilkins E B    * Parker A    * Parr G D Philpotts S L Robinson B Rose E C    * Roylance H K Sherwin H Slee H J Smith W H    * Sutton C A    * Teague J W Uren W Walker A R Walters H V   * Weatherstone C F Webb N R Webster E O West C J    * Williamson D J    *

Right Panel

Lewis E W Lister J H Long R H Mackay Edith   * Mardon Lilla    * Marks A Marks W J Martin T C Mason W E Mercer R Millett R W Milliner J Moase W E Moore W Morgan J R H McGregor W McLean J McVeigh G Nicholl A J R Noble E O Oliver G Overell J J Pearson O Phelps M Pickstones J Plane A A Plant C E   * Powell H W   * Raff A Reed D J Rees M Robertson G R Robinson A Robinson E A Rowe Dora I  * Rowe G E    * Saunders F W   * Servin B Shalcross P Shaw W J Shaw W T Simpson H F Sizer H Smith T  * South R J Sporne M Swaffer A Swaffer H Swyny H J C Taylor H B   * Thomas D T Tyler F W Waltisbuhl E G Ward G A Warden H J Waterfield D Watt W A B Webb A C Weeks E W Westbrook E C Whear H J Wheeler E G White R M   * Wiley W J Willis H J Wright E C Wright G Xenos H Gibson C E Johnston R W Muspratt F Brumwell D S Bott B E


Phone: +61 452 631 847






Corner of Albert and Ann Streets, Brisbane, QLD 4000


Church office: Level 3, Wesley House, 140 Ann Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000


Office hours: 9am to 2:30pm, Monday to Friday



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